Saturday, June 4, 2011

Something Good Happening

I just got back from two wonderful days with an old friend .... that is her on the left. See, she is not all that old.

There is something wonderful about being with someone who has known you for so long. She laughs at all the old inside jokes that no one else understands. She not only knows my children she has disciplined them as I have hers. The years fell away as we talked and laughed far into the night.

On the three hour drive tonight I was filled with a sense of well being, happiness and gratitude. Happiness for being able to reconnect with Caro, gratitude for the gift of restoration and the well being that comes from knowing that something good is happening.

Yes .... something very good is happening.

Just Connie

1 comment:

caro_watt said...

Well now. What a sight to greet me!But I too, was overwhelmed with my gratitude for this past weekend.

Loads of love to you, my heart friend.