Friday, June 10, 2011


A friend and I went to a spinning class today. You would like to think that would be spinning wool into yarn or some such creative thing .... but that would be wrong! A spinning class is a gym full of stationary bikes and a group of masochistic people. Picture riding your bike straight up a mountain with someone telling you, "Keep going, push harder, go faster" and you begin to get the picture.

I knew I was in trouble when the instructor began to strap my feet onto the bike so it would not slip off the pedal and shred my calf. It also prevented me from running to the car and waiting in safety for the class to finish. So for the next 50 minutes I peddled like mad and came to new awareness of just how out of shape I am.

Tonight I can feel muscles on my backside that I had no idea existed that are already complaining. I have a feeling that tomorrow morning with begin with an "Oh no" moment when I try to pry my body out of bed.

What does not kill me ... makes me stronger right? Ask me tomorrow and I will let you know.

Just Connie

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