Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tomorrow is the Day

Tomorrow is the day. I will be glad to have this first treatment behind me. I did not think I would ever come to the point when I would be thankful for an upcoming treatment ... But I am. I guess perspective is everything. When they tell you that you are dying and treatment is your only option' suddenly it does not seem nearly so bad.

Tomorrows treatment will be administered by a home health care nurse and one of our paramedics and one of our EMR's will be there to be trained along with me.  I know that last treatment go around I was very thankful for the backup of the paramedics when I could not reach the spot to place the needles or I sprung an unexpected leak.

Both the paramedic and the EMR that will be there tomorrow are very good friends and it will be good to be surrounded by love and teasing as I begin a new chapter in life. It makes everything better to know that you are loved and supported. So much of what I do is by myself and I work so hard to be independent but these last few months have really taught me that I cannot do this alone. I need the love, support and help they bring so generously.

So hoping for a good night's sleep and a peaceful heart as I take this journey.

Just Connie

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