Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dad's Surgery Day 3

Dad is slowly improving. He was moved out of intensive care today, which was very good. He actually walked a few steps and is finally getting some real rest. I have every hope that he will continue to improve and get better. When I left him tonight he was sleeping soundly.

As I walked down to dad’s new room today, I was a little sobered to realize that it was in the same hall that grandma was in just a few short months ago when she passed away. But as I soon came to realize it was not only in the same hall, it was the exact same room.

Suddenly I was flooded with images of that last day with Grammies. Images of the family gathering around her, loving her and wanting to spend the last moment with her. I can see so clearly the people gathered around her bed and spilling out into the hall. There was love and laughter and the support of family. We sang, we cried and we just loved each other.

I was surprised at how clearly the memory was etched in my mind. But as I thought about it, I thought “This is not a bad thing. This is a good thing.” This was the place where my family really proved what family was all about. Even though we did not want to say good-bye, we were there for each other and most importantly for Grandma. It was a sacred blessed time. It is the way I would love to step into eternity.

So, I am choosing to see dad’s hospital room as a reminder of a strong loving family pulling together during a very difficult time. God has been so very good to us. We have something that is rare and precious. I give thanks for the reminder today of this gift.

Jesus said, "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." Mark 5:19

I want to share with my family the love, grace and goodness of God. I think it will take the rest of my life.

Just Connie

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