Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Wedding

It has been a full day. I started the day by helping mom and dad clean out the pond. That was actually fun. I enjoy working alongside my parents and it is a task that I do not mind at all. Besides I have been trying real hard to keep my father from doing too much. So it was a chance to take some of the load from him. By the time we got done with that it was time for me to get ready for the wedding.

The wedding went very well. The bride was beautiful and they were so happy. I am so glad for them and the commitment they are making to each other. It was a joy to share this day with them. Officiating weddings is one of the most fun things a pastor gets to do. I am always glad for the privilege.

I never officiate a wedding without thinking of my own wedding day. It was such a beautiful day, the sun was shining and it was a perfect crisp fall day. I was so happy, so in love and the future stretched before us with such promise. I find that I am totally at loss to find myself where I am just 9 years later. My mind knows that alcohol and free will has robbed our marriage of its potential before it even had a chance. However, my heart still struggles to find some meaningful reason or purpose in this loss.

I believe that God will build something new, strong and beautiful in my life out of the ashes. It might not be what I planned, or even what I thought I wanted but it will be God’s best for me. Sometimes that is hard to keep sight of, but it is what God is calling me to.

But tonight I am striving to keep that in front of me. God has abundant blessings for me. I will rest secure in that knowledge and wake refreshed in the presence of God’s love tomorrow. I choose to follow the call.

“All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God” Deuteronomy 28:2

Just Connie

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