Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Well here it is is, Christmas Eve. It has been a day of wonderful chaotic family, food and celebration. Everyone has gone home and the dishes are done. I have filled the stockings for my parents and I in the morning, the fire is roaring and I am slowly going over the day's events in my mind.

I have often said how grateful I am for family. Even more I am grateful for family that loves me. A large part of who I am is because of the love and stability they so freely share with me. That love gives me a confidence that even the storms of this past year cannot shake. I am loved and I love. That is a precious and very rare gift.

Tonight we celebrate another precious gift, the gift of Jesus Christ. How grateful I am for a God that loved enough to send His Son. The Babe in a manger still changes lives today. He is changing mine every day. That is my my strength for today and hope for tomorrow. Merry Christmas everyone.

11Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. 12This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Luke 2:11-12

Just Connie

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