Saturday, December 19, 2009

I was part of an interesting experience tonight. I was invited to a dinner of friends from the church. After dinner we were sitting around in a circle talking and laughing. The hostess said she wanted each of us to go around the circle and tell each other what we liked or appreciated about each other in a word or short sentence.

It started out rather light hearted, but I noticed that the room quickly grew quiet as people began sharing their hearts. Eyes filled with tears as we said things to each other we would never say in the course of a normal day. Important things, wonderfully affirming things. I am so glad for the opportunity to both share my heart about what I see in my friends, but also to hear what they see in me.

Now it has me wondering why we so seldom take the time to say these really important things to each other. Is it that we do not want to feel awkward? Or that we do not know how to structure the moment to create the time to share. Or is it that we are afraid of feeling those kind of deep emotions? You know it might be a bit of all of those.

Tonight reminded me of how important it is to share our hearts with each other. I need to both share and I need to hear from others. I think I will try to be more purposeful about doing both. I think that it could really change my relationships .... for the better. I just hope I have the courage to follow through.

"My mouth with speak words of wisdom; the utterance of my heart will give understanding" Psalm 49:3

Just Connie

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