Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Playful Puppy

I am sitting in front of the fire watching Hope puppy play with her pile of toys. She loves to pike them up like a dragon sleeping on treasure. She loves each and everyone of her toys and all of the myriad objects that she finds and enjoys everyday.

Tonight the puppy is playing with a towel I used to dry off her paws when she came in from the snow. She pulls it into a pile and then grabs the end of it and swings it around her head. Now she is laying on it and chewing it while growling ferociously. Earlier she found a rock that she has played with all day. She pushes it around the deck with her nose and flips it up into the air and then she pounces on it as if it were a live thing.

I realized as I watched her today that she approaches everything with a playful heart. I think that is a wonderful trait. I also think it has been a long time since I approached life with that kind of playfulness. It might be very good for me to develop a bit more playfulness into my life. I think Hope puppy is very good for me. I will look forward to what else she will teach me in the days ahead.

"The hills bring Him their produc and tall he wild animals play nearby." Job 40:20

Just Connie

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