Friday, December 11, 2009


Fear is an assiduous foe. It wraps dark oily tentacles around you and holds you back from experiencing freedom and peace. It destroys confidence and vibrancy. I have learned a lot about experiencing fear over the past 10 years ... more than I have ever wanted to know.

Tonight I saw fear conquered and the darkness beat back. My 4 year old great nephew Hunter has had a powerful fear of dogs. he has never been attacked by a dog, but he also has not been around them very much. I have found that fear to be sometimes uncomfortable and sometimes inconvenient as my dogs are usually with me.

Tonight when Hunter walked into the house, he did his usual freeze and scream when saw my sheep dog Charlie. I ignored him and took the dog into the other room. Later when i got the chance I told Hunter that Charlie was one of my best friends and ever slept with me every night. I also told him that Charlie was very gentle and would never hurt him.

Later in the evening we were petting my bunny together when he shocked me by asking, "Would you go with me to pet Charlie?" I took him by the hand and I let him lead me over to the couch where Charlie was sleeping. She lazily raised her huge hairy head and let Hunter gently pat her head. He slowly got braver and patted me and let me come and sit by him. He further surprised me when he asked me to go aways so he "could pet her by himself". So I sat in a chair on the other side of the room and watched as he gained confidence. By the time he left, he happily ran over and hung on her neck and hugged her.

It was a joy to my heart to see Hunter conquer his fear. It was a good reminder to me that fear is never God's wish for his people. We were created for freedom. Tonight I saw him lean on a trusted friend, face his fears and let trust grow. I think that is a formula that could work for any of us. I think perhaps that if my 4 year old great nephew can do this, that there is hope for me to face the fears in my life. I think I can ... I think I can.

"I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts." Psalm 119:45

Just Connie

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