Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Room at the Inn

Christmas is almost here. A Christmas that is very different from what I had hoped for. Sigh .....This year I have so many emotions swirling around inside me. There is grief ....sadness ... there is loneliness and so many others. The emotions batter my senses and fill my days. They leave little room for anything else as they battle within me.

In spite of all those emotions, I also have a deep sense of thankfulness. God has brought me through every step of the way. At times I was kicking and screaming, but he still walked me through this dark and difficult year. He has given me family to lean on and to love me, even when I felt unlovable. He has opened up new ministry and new possibilities even as other doors were shutting. I am thankful. I can see God's hand guiding and protecting me through the storm.

As I prepare for the final countdown to Christmas I am working hard to shake off the sadness and let my heart be filled with the joyful certainty of Christmas. God's gift for me ...a babe in a manager. The promise, the reality of the indwelling Christ. I just need to make Him room"

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us" John 1:14

Just Connie

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