Monday, January 4, 2010

Puppy Adjustments

Having a puppy in the house changes everything. I mean everything! One of the many changes is that nothing can be left on the floor. Books, cords, feet ... everything within reach becomes an instant chew toy. I have given her a pile of chew toys, squeaky toys and balls to play with. All designed to keep her entertained. But nothing is as entertaining to her as feet walking across the floor, a cord or the best chew toy of all, my 9 year old sheepdog Charlie.

Hope puppy is constantly chewing on poor Charlie, ambushing her in unexpected moments and generally making a pest of herself. Charlie is amazingly patient with her. She wrestles and runs with the puppy like she was a puppy herself. Right now they are wrestling at my feet, mock growling and jumping around and having a wonderful time.

I am adjusting, Charlie is adjusting and we are learning this new puppy thing together. This stage will not last forever. Sigh ... it will just feel like it.

"But you, O Lord are exalted forever" Psalm 92:8

Just Connie

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