Monday, October 12, 2009

Head Cold Day 7

I’m sick. My ongoing head cold took a nasty turn today. It feels like my head is a big echoing drum. It throbs and I am tired, achy and …. well I guess the best way to say it is sick.

I came home mid day and slept on the couch with the dogs today in front of the fire. Tonight I am curled up on the bed with the dogs watching TV. I have not accomplished much today at all. Unless sleeping counts. I have done that pretty well.

Sigh …. I do not like being sick. I want to be done with it. But like most of life, getting better is a process that I just have to walk through. So I am laying low trying to drink plenty of fluids and just rest.

"A man's spirit sustains him in sickness" Proverbs 18:14

I think it is time to take some more cold meds, drink something warm and see if there are any good movies on TV tonight. Healing will come in time.
Just Connie

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