Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today''s Challenges

In the life of every pastor there are those days which challenge and stretch us. Today was one of those days. I knew I would be playing catch up at the office after being gone for three days for the planning retreat, but today was one things after another.

It started with a front page story in the newspaper about of one of my parishioners. The story was of a horrible crime he had been arrested for. The family will need a lot of support in the days ahead and I can see that it will stretch me in many ways.

That was followed up by a visit from a community member who had serious concerns about a family member. I was challenged to both see the path through that potential mine field and to best determine the appropriate follow-up.

I waded through all of that and headed home. There I found a baby shower invite from my ex-husband’s wife who is planning the shower for my son and his girlfriend. I have to admit that I was flooded with jealousy. She is planning a shower for a girl that my son has not even bothered to introduce to me. I have never met her. I was hurt, I was jealous and then I was angry with myself for feeling what I was feeling.

I am still fighting the last of the sinus/ear infection. I have been on antibiotics for 5 days and I am better but still tired and headachy. I do not have the answers, the energy or the temperament tonight to face one more problem. Luckily tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to meet the challenge.

I’m heading to bed.

“Even youths grow tired and weary” Isaiah 40:30

Just Connie

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