Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mine Field

I heard from my son tonight. I have not heard from him in months. Family relationships can be so complicated and difficult. Too often I feel like I am trying to walk blindfolded through a minefield when I talk to him. Tonight I stepped on a mine.

The explosion rocked me to the very core. He yelled at me, he cursed at me and he told me in no uncertain terms just what he thought. I am still shell shocked. He did apologize, which I appreciated but I have to admit that I am hurt.

He wants me to do something that I do not want to do, something that causes me great pain to even contemplate. He thinks I am completely unreasonable. I know that he has no understanding of how I feel and I do not feel that I can explain it to him.

That leaves us at an impasse and I do not know what to do. My heart hurts tonight and I do not know where to step next. I am praying for wisdom and the courage to do what ever God asks me to do.

“For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul” Proverbs 2:10

Just Connie

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