Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bike Ride

A cute guy asked me to go on a bike ride today. It had been one of those days. I was headachy and tired and just couldn’t seem to get motivated to do much of anything. Then there was a knock on the door and there stood the cute guy. It was actually the 8th grader who lives up the hill. He pops in every once in a while and helps me. He has been a real blessing to me over the past 10 months.

Today, I decided that it would be good for me to get out in the fresh air for a while. So I hopped on my bike and we rode down the hill. Eeek! I think I need to check the brakes on my bike. It really wanted to go faster than I was comfortable with. When I say faster …. I mean hurtling down the hill like a scud missile. But I made it down in one piece and I followed my young friend throughout Willamina. It made me laugh. We rode through football practice, we rode around the old high school. We rode down sidewalks and right through the middle of town.

I really was feeling very confident and happy as we pedaled around town. About the time I was patting myself on the back for my riding skills, Marc, who was riding in front of me fell. I would love to say that I expertly rode around him but the truth is that I ran into him and fell on top of him. It is amazing that he lived through it. I laid there and started laughing. We were all tangled up with the bikes and neither one of us could hardly move. But we finally wiggled around enough that we could untangle ourselves and nobody was hurt. (Except for my dignity)

So we headed back through town and up the hill. (I pushed my bike up) I found myself humming as I put my bike away. My headache was gone and I realized that I was feeling pretty good.

How glad I am that Marc came by and took me bike riding. It is not what I thought I wanted to do, but it is what I needed to do. it is a good reminder that so often what we need will stretch us.

“He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.” Job 9:8

You know with all of the stretching I have experienced over the last 10 months you would think I would be a lot taller.

Just Connie

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