Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ministery to Others

There is nothing like ministry to get your mind off of yourself/ That would be true for me today. last night I was feeling rather sad and melancholy. Today, was a very busy day.

It began with a funeral this morning. I needed to make a potluck dish to contribute, so I jumped out of bed first thing and began cooking. Then I headed to the church to finalize the order of service, make sure the church was opened up and take a look at tomorrow’s service.

The service went very well. People lingered and there was good fellowship at the potluck afterwards. In many ways I think that is probably more valuable than the actual service. As people reflect and remember together, I think everyone is enriched and blessed. I think it is a time that knits our hearts together as we face the ugly specter of death and loss.

I came home and vacuumed and tried to clean up the house, but I admit that I was really dragging. I finally cooked some dinner and parked myself in the chair with my computer on my lap. I spent a couple of hours not doing much of anything, it was actually very nice.

At 7:00 I headed back to the church for prayer time. I love this time of praying through the church every Saturday night. It is a very small united group. It is just good to be with them. Tonight was a blessing and I feel energized and ready for tomorrow.

What I found as I ministered today, was the more I focused on other people, the less I focused on myself and my sadness. I think that is a very good thing. I think that might be an important to remember and take hold of as I continue to heal in the months ahead. I know that there will probably be more days of sadness, but there will be even more days of joy. I guess when it comes right down to it …. it is called life.

"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." Ephesians 6:3

Just Connie

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