Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunset Friends

What a good evening. I headed out to my friend Diana’s to spend some time with her. It was a beautiful evening. The hills were hazy in the evening sunlight and there was a gentle breeze in the air. As I drove onto the farm the wild turkeys ran down the road ahead of me. There are 3 generations in this flock and they are pretty entertaining to see.

I hopped out of the car and went and help Diana hang her freshly laundered curtains. From there we headed out to the barn to mix the feed for the horses. Then we jumped on the tractor and headed out to the pasture with the hay and feed. As she spread the hay, I loved on all the horse, especially my Phil. I am in love with a gorgeous guy with big brown eyes and chestnut hair. It is such a joy to be with him. As I stroked the horse and leaned into him, the sun was just setting. I breathed deep of the glorious air and let peace surround me.

Afterwards we headed back into the house for “breakfast for dinner”. It was absolutely perfect. The food was great but the company was even better. It felt so good to talk and talk and talk. It is an amazing thing when God brings people into our lives that we connect with.

I think friendship is a precious gift. Tonight I am very thankful for the gift that God has given me. It is a good reminder that there are good things all around us. I just need to open my eyes and be willing to look for them.

“Seek good, not evil, that you may live.” Amos 5:14

Just Connie

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