Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Ash Heap

At 8:00 this morning I met with the court clerk who went over all the paperwork to convert our legal separation to a divorce. Tonight I am a single woman.

I was stunned that it all happened so fast. But since a judgement had already been made for the legal separation last June and we had waived our right to a hearing, all it needed was the judge's signature. Once he had signed it was all done. Friday I will go and get pick up the signed decrees for my records.

It has been a very emotional day for me. I have done a lot of crying and a lot of thinking. Tears for the pain of these past years, for the heartbreak of sin and the destruction of dreams. I know that I have a lot of healing to do in the days ahead. But today was an important step towards my health and the future God wants for me. I need to keep hold of that and not let the flood of hurt wash away the truth.

God has a future and a plan for me. My life is not over, this is a beginning. Out of the ashes God will build something new, strong and wonderful. In fact God does his best work in the ash heap of despair.

I think tonight .... well God has his work cut out.

"He raises the poor from the dust and the needy from the ash heap" Psalm 113:7

Just Connie

1 comment:

Paula said...

It is devastating when dreams fall apart. However your dream wasnt his. You are free to dream again. I can relate to this pain and the rawness of it. It gets better. Day by day. Hugs