Friday, February 5, 2010


I stood in the darkness tonight and looked at the stars. It has been a long time since I have just stood in the quietness and let the beauty of the night sky speak to me. As I stood there and lifted my face to the heavens I felt a blanket of peace wrap around my wounded heart.

I just stood there and breathed in the damp cool air. Breathing peace in .... and out. I could feel the tenseness and fear that I have carried over the past week, begin to fade away. As I looked into the myriad of stars in the sky, I was reminded that God knows each star by name. They exist because he breathed them into existence. They are part of God's plan.

And if God has a plan for the stars it is a good reminder for me, that he has a plan for me as well. He can heal my brokenness and bring new life out of the ashes of despair.

"He determines the number of stars and calls them each by name" Psalm 147:4

Just Connie

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